Things have been pretty crazy around here lately and we've had a lot on our plate, so I haven't really had a chance to post a decent entry. All three kids have been really sick, Brandon a touch too, and I have returned back to work FULL time now. Brandon has been working lots of hours too and has been on call once already so we are definitely staying busy. Briley is now 2 months old and had her first round of shots just this past week...she was soooo mad. Poor little baby girl has also contracted RSV pretty badly, and has had to go to the ER a couple of times to get her suctioned out so that she can breathe easier and eat. Its been so hard on her and the rest of us and we are all running very low on fuel and sleep. On a lighter note, Brandon bought himself another truck for a family vehicle and it is up, running, licensed and everything. Its really been great and he likes it A LOT! (Its his dream truck) He is also going to be ordained an Elder here shortly and we'll be getting Briley blessed pretty soon too. We are all so excited and proud. Brogen and Capriece are getting better slowly, and are back to being the twin terrors and Brogen is doing excellent in pre-school. As far as anything exciting we might have planned, the only thing coming up is a quick visit from Gma & Gpa Woods here at the beginning of March. We're hoping the weather gets better so that we can take the kids down to the Hoogle Zoo for some fun and good memories. Besides all that we've just been trying to survive day to day. Hopefully things will start to look better soon (and get more interesting too)! :)

Brandon's new 4 door Chevy...has lots of room for all 3 car seats!
Briley 2 months...starting to smile a whole lot now! :D