All About Us!

Welcome to our simple and crazy as it may be! Things are crazy for our family right now. I'm currently working and in school finishing up my Nursing degree, while Brandon is working long, late hours, and our 3 kids are growing like weeds. Brogen is now 5, Capriece 3, and Briley will be 1 this month of December. I can't believe how fast time flies! We're still calling Northern Utah home for now, but a future move might be coming up due to my current school situation. Although things seem hectic we still try to enjoy the simple pleasures in life and in our family!
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Briley's very 1st Hair Cut!!

I do have to admit that I was a little sad to chop off her long ringlets on the back of her head...but they will grow back even longer now! I love love her curly soft brown hair! - and yes I saved one for her scrapbook!

Brogen and Capriece's 1st days of Preschool 2011-2012

 So its September now and we are just getting back into the swing of school! Brogen is attending his 2nd year of pre-school since he misses the kindergarten cutoff date, and this is Capriece's very 1st year going. I can't believe how grown up they are both getting. The school they are going to this year is called Tanglewood Studios and it offers a lot of extra curricular classes as well. Capriece is doing ballet and tap dancing, gymnastics, and music and Brogen is learning all the sports, gymnastics, and music too. They LOVE going! They were so excited their first day that they didn't even turn around to say goodbye to me and Brandon! When they got home, Capriece immediately started asking me how many more days till they got to go again. They both have been doing so well with all their school work, and Capriece has impressed us with her good behavior in class. I think they will have a lot of fun this year and learn a lot too. And we are very much looking forward to their spring show's and recitals.