Well since my blog has been down at LOT of things have happend in our little familys' life. We've had tons of good fun and lots of new adventures. The kids have grown so big and are doing lots of new and exciting things; plus our family has grown by one more sweet little spirit. (she'll have her own spotlight later on)! So here are just a few pic's and short stories about the going on's since May! 

Capriece turned 2 in June! She is such a big girl now and as prissy as any princess there ever was. She had a great time at her birthday party and got lots of girly fun things! Can't believe she's two already!
Brandon turned 26 in June as well. Two birthdays in the same week..wow! We had a small family party for him, and the kids helped mommy bake him a cake. Then I took him out on a birthday date and got him a big buffalo burger. Yummm. Afterwards we all went out to a movie together and had really fun time.
Brogen started preschool back in September! He loves his class and does really well. He's like a little sponge and always surprises us with what he knows and can do. He even likes doing his homework.
We're so proud of him!
Brogen celebrated his 4th birthday this past October as well. He had a really big halloween party and had lots of his and daddy's friends over for a BBQ! Even Uncle Samuel made a special trip up to have some birthday fun. After the party we went trick-or-treating around town and everyone had a great time.
Thanksgiving in St. George Utah
For Thanksgiving this year we got to travel down to St. George and spend it with all our families. It was really a nice trip since a lot of people came that we hadn't seen or celebrated with in a very long time. The kids had a great time seeing their grandparents and great grandparents and enjoyed playing with all their cousins and second cousins. We ended up having dinner at my mom and dad's house, which was very delicious and awesome, then we went over to Brandon's parents for dessert. We stayed over at both places too and got in a lot of good quality time. It was so nice to see everyone and we were so happy that we could make it down.
Holy Cow! I had to enlarge the Halloween picture to make sure that was really Brandon! Looks like you've all had a great year. Thanks for sharing with us.