It that wonderful time of year again so we spent a day raiding our storage unit and setting up out tree and getting our whole house ready for Christmas. And thanks to one of our very good friends we got a special visit from Santa & his real LIVE reindeer this year. We went down to the little local Christmas tree farm and got to see him! He was such a cute and nice Santa and they had the place all decked out. They even had a live Nativity scene going on too. It was BITTER cold though, enough to make your skin hurt. (probably one of the nights it got down to below 10 degrees) But we braved it out and waited in line in the Christmas tree greenhouse to meet Santa. This was Briley's very first time seeing him and I was worried she'd cry but she barely even gave him a passing glance. She was sooo entranced by the reindeers instead. Brogen and Capriece of course were in awe and got tongue tied, so they forgot what they wanted to ask him and just repeated what the kid in front of them said. It was funny. I got some good pic's of the kids with this Santa. I hope they do this again next year, it will have to become our new lil family tradition. They were even selling hot coco and goodies in their lil shop...and the pictures were totally free and you could take as many as you wanted too. This is one of the reasons why I LOVE living in small towns. They always have such neat lil homey things going on. The only thing that would have made it better was if Daddy could've come! Enjoy the pic's! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Briley wasn't too sure what to think of the tree. She liked watching daddy set it up, but if it touched her she kinda freaked out. Must be the fake prickly branches.
Brogen was daddy's big big helper!
Capriece wearing the tree skirt....anything to play dress up!
Briley checking out her stocking.
These were her favorite things on the tree. She loved to look into them and see her reflection.
They are SO excited for Christmas! (can you tell)!
All Done! YAY!
Comet & Blitzen!
It was so funny, Briley wouldn't even look at him, and she didn't even care when he stole her binki out for the pictures.
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